Friday, November 12, 2010

The Death Toll Continues

The news is saddining, actually it sickens me to hear about this. More and more people are dying at his phoney rehab facillities. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!! I suggest contacting the media, ie newspapers, TV, internet, word of mouth etc. We all must do our part to shut down Mike Nielsen, or deaths will continue. Actually shutting him down is a simple process, just rally together, its that simple. If he is destroyed financially he will have no means to operate. DONT LET ANYONE CHECK INTO HIS FACILLITIES... LACK OF REVENUE EQUATES TO HIM SELLING OFF HIS REHAB HOUSES. Mike is the lowest form of human waste. I know this, I've seen his life, his history. He cares nothing for any of you. He only wants money. And rest assured he is laughing at the fact people have died at his sober living homes. In fact he laughs at all of you. Post this link in an e-mail to all legitimate rehab facillities, GET THE WORD OUT THERE. I would like to see Dr Drew get involved in this too. The media is a powerfull weapon, lets use it to our advantage to get this piece of garbage shutown. And when at his house meetings....please do this for me. In addition to silence for the addict that still suffers. Give another bow of silence for those who have died at his facillities.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Can anyone confirm this? This is terrible if it really happened. Are people really dying while under the "care" of this facility? I hope we can get some more information.

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of one of the patients at Connor Ranch that recently passed away. His family is struggling and trying to find out what really happened that day and what other things happen at this facility. Can anyone help or provide any more information?

Anonymous said...

If anyone has information regarding the six (6) deaths or any criminal activity at Connor Ranch or Mike Nielsen please contact the Detective Voght at 714-647-7055 or email him directly at OR call Sheriff Sandra Hutchens at 714-647-7000

Anonymous said...

They went out to the green lady bar on beach blvd they drank and mixed zanax with somebody they met at aa then they proceded to get cocaine and heroin to do speed balls the combo killed them. they both were at mikes sober living home paying 200 a week the oc sherrif is doing a full scale investigation the people who sold them the drugs i hope are caught.

Comment of the day from SoberGuy said...

People like Katie obviouly work for Mike Nielsen aka Dr Mike. If people are allowed to just...walk out of a sober living home, A LEGITIMATE SOBER LIVING HOME!!! Mind you. Then things like this DONT HAPPEN. Be aware little Katie Mike has very little if no supervision at his sober homes. There is is no checking in or out when residents leave. ROOMS FOR RENT THIS IS WHAT CONNOR RANCH IS ABOUT. And do something really positive share at AA meetings about this, and quit defending Mike. Most of the people here have been kicked out for not doing Mikes dirty laundry.
RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH I ALWAYS SAY. Pull his criminal history and I'm sure you will sing a different tune.
Good day to you.

Anonymous said...

Sober guy,please post this on the front of your blogfast! Mike has taken his old websites down!!!!

The new website is
Phone numbers listed are7145857544
Please post this,he trying to hide and I will continue to sniff him out so he can not hurt or steal from anyone

Anonymous said...

blog guy
thanks for updating your blog name to reflect" Hutington Beach Recovery" The new blog looks great, but I think it would be smart if you changed the heading txt color to something really dark so it "pops" out!! Please do not ease up on this asshole, You are so close to shutting him down!!!! Please do not post this as it is only for your eyes!!! I will continue to send you more information when I get it. You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am a Drug Counselor and worked for Mike Neilson this past spring, but for only a week; because I confronted him over the disgusting "sexual-predator" behavior I observed, and stories clients relayed to me. Last night (Tuesday 11.23.10) I was contacted by a current counselor who confirmed that there were two overdose deaths last week at Connor Ranch. There are also "allegations" Mike asked for client files to be falsified in order to be in compliance, as well as many other alleged criminal acts (atrocities). If the allegations are true I pray that this will be the last of Mike Neilson in the treatment/recovery profession. I am appalled and deeply saddened for the families of the deceased.

jerit said...

contact me! i am the mother of one of the boys that died at connor rabch nov5th. 508 5797222

jerit said...

i am the mother of one of the victims of connor rranch on nov5hth. can you help me?

Anonymous said...

get a grip are not sober or clean and you know it. you are lying thru you teeth and i know that you know what happened that night. hope it haunts you for the rest of your life!

Anonymous said...

He leads people to believe that he can help them that is until they run out of money and he kicks them out........Hopefully these deaths will shut him down for good. I wish we would have found his site before we sent our daughter there :(

JERITAG said...

who are you? can you please contact me via email. i am the mother of one of the deaths at crtc on nov. 5. your latest blog, if it is true, is great news but i doubt he will go away that easy. i need to talk to you. i have a pi on these deaths.JEFFDIED

Anonymous said...

Soberguy, I want to congratulate you!!!!!!!!!!! Connor Ranch’s license has been suspended; the doors have been shut, and MIKE HAS BEEN REMOVED. Mike can NO LONGER be around anyone in treatment who needs help. It is over for him and you have done a fabulous job and for this I thank you.

Anonymous said...

I just hear that they found a syringe at the next door neighbor’s house that is believed to be used the night of the deaths because the morning after the next door neighbor said a "beautiful young lady" came over to her house looking for it. Thank god it was found and given to the police, let the DNA checks begin, hopefully this will help solve the mystery that the only two living people in Midway are not sharing.

Anonymous said...

The counseler of the two girls that were at the house the night of the tragedy knows more than she is letting on to she took $1300 in cash from one of the mothers of the girls saying she could not pay her rent she also was fired from another treatment center for using some patients credit card her name is dondi

jerit said...

are you kidding me? i thought dondi was one of the good guys! is she is cahoots with mike or just a sleeze? i cannot believe this whole mess! how do i find out the truth/ has connor ranch been shut down? where has mike set up shop now? where has he disappeared to? how do i get to the bottom of all this crap. can you contact me directly? 508 5797222. please help me!

Anonymous said...

The counseler that posted on nov 23 got into trouble with mike because they were both having affairs with the same girl mike got jealous and fired that counseler because he wanted the girl to himself thank god connor ranch is closed thank you soberguy you are a hero

Anonymous said...

My son was in this rehab. It is up to the people inside to want to get sober. He is sober still and it has been 8 months. As for Mike he was the biggest scammer that I have ever met. His biggest saying is "just get them here and I will fix them" The only thing that he is fixing to do is get in your wallet. My husband and I went there to visit and my husband is heavily in aa and everything that Mike preached and did was so far from what aa is about. We talked to several of the girls that were there and he constantly were trying to get with them offer them things if they would go places. with him.
As for a sober living home thats not true. We sent him to a rehab and he was in the midway house. Mike told us that his other house he was selling. We found out that he lost it. That was the sober house.

Anonymous said...

No name please. Mike is Not A Dr. And during the time he was working, my sibling mentioned his name, not knowing i knew of him amd the ranch.....she was getting high with him at another supposed rehab house where everyone was partying includint the owner of that house. Hes a joke.

Anonymous said...

I am an AOD counselor who worked at the newland house. All deaths did not occur at Midway. There was also a near death in my car taking client to DR. Per order of Dr. Mike. Thank God for CPR and quick 911 response. Mike has also been spotted very recently at Garden Grove Serenity House with a young boy NA Meetings Tuesdays nights. Last known to me he had an x addict???? Lissy
being a house manager. This truly astounds me. Please Katie get some real help.
Sober Guy looks like you did amount to something no matter what anybody says

Nquestionovember 21,2010


Anonymous said...

Sober Guy, I have been following your posts for some time. I can not stay quiet any longer. I am so proud of you because no matter what Mike said to you, you have amounted to something a SOBER GUY!!!!!!! I am a counselor who worked at the Huntington Beach House. I am not aware of any deaths at this house. But I am very aware of a near death that occurred in my car. I very green took a client to DR. under orders from Dr. Mike. Client had been without Meds. for 3 days. Mike told me to let him ride a bike to the Dr. I looked at this kid and told Dr. Mike NO!!! He then asked me to take him to the Dr.Long story short thanks to CPR and a quick response from 911 this client lived. Mike never asked me if I had insurance can you imagine my liability if he had died in my car? Not to mention my incredible guilt. At least that death was averted
Mike has been seen very recently at Serenety Hall in
Garden Grove NA Tuesday nights with a young boy. He is still lurking around like the scum on the bottom of a pond. Beware this very scary individual.

Anonymous said...

mike is doing rehab work with all his websites he is doing it by changeing his name to micheal james or james micheal websites in include plus 10 others but i dont know if you even check blog any more mike number 714-317-6176 its on all his sites if you would responed can give you lots more info

Anonymous said...

It is now 2013..... Nothing has happened to that little liar Katie and that scum mike nielson. It makes me sick that my son lost his life( along with his roommate) at Connor Ranch. It was a scam and shame in me for not checking it out better. In the great scheme of things, I will never be the same.... Only someone who had lost a child can understand. Someday mike and Katie will pay for what they did and didn't do. God help anyone who crosses their paths. They are pure evil, sent by Satan to destroy lives.
Jeri T...... Mother of a death victim of these horrible people)