Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Are we spreading the word?

Things have been really slow on this Blog. Could be that less & less people are going to Connor Ranch, and that's a good thing. Mike Nielsen was my best friend about a million years ago. He was a totally different man in the 80's & 90's. I remember the day someone put the bug in his head at the Roque center in Garden Grove to start treatment centers for profit & fun. He was on a mission ever since that day, but had no financial means to start his torture centers. That was until he met & brainwashed a woman named Lillian Connor, Hence the name Connor Ranch. She financed his evil empire, and she is aware of Mike's shady practices, but could care less. She considers you all as, and I quote "next week's shopping money" She is unaware of the pregnancy and other sexual encounters, so maybe she should know. The real absolute way to destroy Mike is to hit him in the wallet. Keep spreading the word, lead people out of his treatment & sober living homes ' by hand if you must' the pain & suffering won't end till Mike is selling his homes and shut down forever. Remember people have actually died under the abuse from Mike's uncaring acts and neglect. I myself have found I have fallen ill from my post addiction, and have developed permanent heart disease.

God bless you all, and please spread the word & keep posting.

Write down the URL of this blog site and give it to everyone you meet at AA meetings.
You might save someone's life.

Sober Guy