Friday, June 4, 2010

My Heart Go's Out To You All

Been getting a lot of hits on this Blogsite lately. The desperation, the sadness, the pain I rememer it all too well. Images from Connor ranch still haunt me to this day, and from peoples desperate cries I can see nothing had changed with the self-proclaimed Dr Mike. I myself am trying very hard to finance a treatment center of my own. But without the added benifit of finacial means this cannot be accomplished. All I can do is give advice. I am a survivor of Connor ranch, and I made it through. I am still sober to this day, and had to do it on my own, but I made it. Empowerment is an extremely  powerfull tool and it was all I had to continue my journey to sobriety. I want to share my wealth of knowledge to those still suffering so they can regain thier lives back as I did. I am happy and Dr Mike had nothing to do with it. Being close to the beach, having my pet with me, A laptop, personal phone calls...has nothing to do with SERIOUS treatment centers. The jouney must start by asking questions at AA or Al Anon centers for real answers. If you GOOGLE search BEWARE!! And again ask questions, visit the centers if you must, talk to REAL councelors, look at licenses, dates, qualifications etc. If you know someone, or a loved one who is at his dorm rooms for rent, PULL THEM OUT!! The only success story to Connor Ranch is a 88% relapse rate.