Monday, January 24, 2011

Mike Once Told Me

That I wouldn't amount to anything. But what has happened to the infallible Dr Mike?? I am still sober (Mike is questionable) and will remain so. I have a well paying job and will keep it thanks in part to my faith in myself and the support of many good friends. I celebrated my 4 year cake and did not lie about my actuall sobriety (as Mike did), I had nothing to prove, but only to myself. I started all this because Mike once told me I wouldent amount to nothing. Now nothing remains for Mike J Nielsen. I'm sure he will go back to his old ways, and ultimately become a street urchin again living in peoples garages. But the real sad part is Mike used to be my best friend for many years, and there was a lot I sacrificed for him. But in the big scheme of things he dident give a rats ass for me. It was all about Mike. Now his discontempt for a brother in need has sent him back where he belongs. I feel sorry for you my long time friend, but you cant see the good in people, and yourself for that matter. So I bid you godbye........and good luck!


concerned said...

I am happy for you, and haven't heard back on my recent questions. I am the one whose husband went to Connor Ranch from Canada. My husband ended up leaving Connor Ranch, but worse for the experience, but he ended up in a great situation Miracles do happen, he is now back in Canada, but I hate what Mike has done to so many people. I hope that he has been shut down, I've read in your blogs, that he may have been - I hope so. It was pure hell being here in Canada and not knowing exactly where my husband was, especially when he left Connor Ranch on a binge, thankfully Jeannette kept in touch with me and told me where he had gone, so I could phone him and get him some help. God was watching over him and had other plans for him. He is alive and well today, but no thanks to Mike and his "Connor" Ranch. Our family was in total disarray trying to find get my husband the help he so rightfully deserved. I thank you, and so do my husband's family thank you, for everything on your blog, it helped us get him somewhere else. Hopefully now we can all relax if Mike has been stopped. Please let me know if indeed he has been stopped, I will then be able to relax and breathe a sigh of relief - thank you again for all your support and help over the last 6 months or so.....

Anonymous said...

I spent sometime at "Connor Ranch Treatment Facility" and trust me when I say that "DOCTOR MIKE" is a lying crook.

Recovery Hunter said...

Thank you Soberguy,
You presented all the facts as they happened and your followers were able to see truth in your blog. The more exposure you produced, the more he sweated. It was all about the truth that destroyed the monster. Time was an enemy because it cost us several lives during all. You should pat yourself on the back. You have earned a seat in success. We have lost another life to the Ism, ALCOHOLISM. May she find her peace now with the lord Jesus by her side. Thank you for your BLOG. You are a winner, PLEASE REMEMBER

Wendy said...

Dear Soberguy.
My son died in a sober living home and it was a horrifying experience and to date I have yet to find another person who can help me in my crusade to shine a light on a very serious problem.
I know exactly what you are talking about because in my long struggle for the truth I discovered that this whole sober living world is noting but a cash cow business and the people who run them are profiting off the backs of vulnerable people.
The business is a joke.
PLEASE PLEASE SOBERGUY CALL ME AT 951-402-5303. I am launching a full assault using the media,I am beginning to make a documentary. Your input and anyone else who has had to endure the tragedy of losing a loved one unnecessarily PLEASE CALL ME NOW. We must have a voice and speak for the ones we loved so they will not die in vain but with valor. THE TIME IS NOW. PLEASE CALL ME.
View my webpage and go to lawsuit tab. Scroll down and read points & authorities and you will know how my son died. Soon so will the world. Thank You,
Jarrod's Mom

Unknown said...

Subject: Preventing Sexual Harassment BY ‘’Pacific Ocean Drug Rehab’’

BEWARE OF ‘’Pacific Ocean Drug Rehab’’ specializes In giving drugs to Young girls in recovery! The conman, Michael Nickels, aka, Michael James, has less than three months sober-still does drugs and Alcohol and rapes young women after giving them his drugs- HAS 38 WEBSITES, IS NOT A Certified Addiction Therapist –any web site with Michael Nickels, aka, Michael James, BEWARE-PLEASE SHARE THIS-BETTER YET,CALL HIM AT 714-317-6176—AND ASK HIM, WHAT MAKES YOU SO SICK?

Unknown said...

Subject: Preventing Sexual Harassment BY ‘’Pacific Ocean Drug Rehab’’

BEWARE OF ‘’Pacific Ocean Drug Rehab’’ specializes In giving drugs to Young girls in recovery! The conman, Michael Nickels, aka, Michael James, has less than three months sober-still does drugs and Alcohol and rapes young women after giving them his drugs- HAS 38 WEBSITES, IS NOT A Certified Addiction Therapist –any web site with Michael Nickels, aka, Michael James, BEWARE-PLEASE SHARE THIS-BETTER YET,CALL HIM AT 714-317-6176—AND ASK HIM, WHAT MAKES YOU SO SICK?

Unknown said...

Michael’s middle name is James. See the link below.

Angry said...

Soberguy, I just want to thank you so much for putting the word out there about Mike. He is one of the sleeziest individuals I've ever come into contact with.

I trusted him with my daughter who was trying to get clean from opiates only to find he took advantage of her with a prescription of Oxycontin that he recieved from the same doctor that provides prescriptions with the treatment facility!

I also came to learn that this is NOT an isolated incident. He does this with young girls whenever he gets the chance and it's absolutely sick! He's an active drug user with a silver tongue. Do NOT LET THIS GUY SCAM YOU!!